09 May 2006

Blog Number Fifteen: May 29 and Random Thoughts

As always, any questions, concerns, complaints, or suggestions can be sent to razorsedgeblog@gmail.com. ALL emails will read, disseminated, and laughed at by our crack staff before we answer them.

Keep sending in your contest submissions. Speaking of the contest, all submissions should be mailed in by Friday, May 12th at one second after 12:00am Pacific Time. A ten dollar gift certificate to amazon.com is up for grabs. Check blog number nine, number nine for all the details.

If you haven't seen the latest Georgia Writer blog, what the fuck is wrong with you? Being a huge mark, and now an addict, for the Big Apple's star writer, go to the Ramblings Of A Late 20-Something blog site. Reading the last post of "Georgia Writer," I, John McCaurthur, got a strange sense of deja vu.

Another post y'all should be reading is Rhayna, The Mistress of Rock's blog over on Live Journal. No explanation should be given, just read the fucking thing and it should explain what the crew and I were doing on a Thursday night in the Emerald City last week.

Quote Of The Day
-Rhayna, The Mistress Of Rock

Before we get to the topics, whether or not you are a pro wrestling fan you should tune into WWE RAW emanating from the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, WA (just a few miles away from the Batcave) on May 29. The crew and I will be at the event, so take a close look at the screen for anything resembling a plug for The Razor's Edge in a form of a sign.


And now to the topics at hand:

A very long time ago, before blogging, podcasting (audio and video), and You Tube was the "cool" thing to do, people sat in front of their computers, ignored their work, kids, or daily lives to be part of, or create their own, email lists. These lists would start with one person creating one topic or question, sending it to a throng of awaiting typists, and everyone would jump on that question and answer it.

I was apart of one list called P'n'V, or piss and vent, and with great consideration and conjoling to the crew, the greatest email list segment makes its debut here on The Razor's Edge.

with all that being said, from omegaman's bs ranch in armadillo, texas, we bring to you:

--random thoughts--
*one...reseachers have found lesbian women's brains react differently to sexual stimuli than straight women's brains do. this study, spear-headed (pun intended) by Ivanka Savic at the Stockholm Brain Institute furthers the argument that homosexuality is biological, not learned. whether or not the 'nature v. nurture' argument can use here is really irrelevant, but i will point out to these researchers have these "researchers" on every Girls Gone Wild video EVERY chick is sexual with every other chick.
**two...Angela Krasowski and her ex-husband, James Krasowski were arrested Saturday and then arraigned Monday on charges of "first-degree manslaughter, three counts of risk of injury to minors, possession of heroin, possession of drug paraphernalia, interfering with police and tampering with evidence" in the heroin overdose that lead to a 13-year-old boy's death. if these jerkoffs are guilty, hook them up to Ol' Sparky and flip the switch. kill them; those motherfuckers deserve it.
three...this pic to the right is of an extremely hot woman; it was sent to the crew by a mysterious, anonymous emailer. who is this chick? is she single? and does she do parties? the first person to name the girl correctly will get a ten dollar gift certificate from amazon.com.
four...as the crew and i were out boozing it up last Thursday for the Rock Girl Gala, i couldn't help but notice a few things about the girls that were there at the Showbox. the girls that myself and the crew saw, for the most part, were with real bruiser, asshole guys that would rather kick your ass for just breathing the wrong way. why is self-protection a trend with women these days? can't women stand up on their own accord? i guess men are stronger than women.
--i'm done; stick a fork in me--
*The story comes from an AP article written by Randolph E. Schimd, AP Science Writer and is found on the Yahoo! News site. The link is above.
**The quote from this story comes from an AP article on Yahoo! News. The link is above.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gala appears to have kicked off a stream of major rock shows and other various rockin' events...while I'm enjoying every second, I'm tired as hell and am sadly realizing that the eat first, then drink isn't the only advice I should heed more often. "Get some f*#kin' sleep every so often!" is a good one too. UGH.

I realize the irony of me replying to your blog at this ungodly hour, but I finally got around to posting my review of the Alice In Chains show and now I'm all pumped up like I just had a shot of Jaeger with a beer chaser and the lights just went down at the Showbox.

Sadly this week I have learned that I ain't 27 no more... even if I try to channel the energy and insanity I once had during college.

Oy vey.

I'm off to try and overcome the sleep dep and get rid of the seemingly permanent bags under my eyes. (Shut up--no need to beat me up for that one. Besides, that's too fuckin' easy. No gimmees!!!)

~ Rhayna, The Mistress of Rock (and hopefully SLEEP!!!)

Sat May 20, 12:23:00 AM 2006  

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