18 April 2006

Blog Number Six: The DaVinci Code, 9-11 Movies, and

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Now on the topics at hand:

More fun from the brewing hatred toward "The DaVinci Code" movie releasing May 19. According to imdb.com, Father Raniero Cantalamessa condemned the movie in a Good Friday sermon in the Vatican. He never mentioned the movie or book by name, but he went to mention certain " 'pseudo-historic' work by saying people were obsessed with 'every new theory according to which he (Christ) was not crucified and did not die, but ran off with Mary Magdalene.' " The esteemed religious leader went on to say, "No one will be able to stop this wave of speculation, which will see a sharp increase with the imminent release of a certain film."

After seeing this, the crew got together and came up with an official statement we will be sending to the Vatican. The statement is:



As many of you know, two prominent movies discussing the September 11 tragedy are being released this Summer. "United 93", coming out 28 April 2006, and Oliver Stone's "World Trade Center," coming out 11 August 2006, are getting heat from the American public.

The main question is this: Is it too soon for movies to be made about the worst mass murder in American history?

According to a Today story, a theater in New York pulled the trailer for "United 93" after one teary-eyed patron complained. There also has been stories of people yelling in theaters in Los Angeles "Too Soon" when the trailer was shown.

We were all affected by the 9-11 tragedy. Living in ultra-rural Pullman, WA going to Washington State University at the time, I did not feel safe. Everytime a plane flew over the school I felt paranoid. I can't imagine how the people of New York felt actually being there. Watching the planes crash into the Twin Towers on TV, I felt raped. I can't imagine what the people of New York felt as they saw it up close in their city.

With that being said, it's never too late heal old wounds...a harsh, but all-too-real lesson I am learning as we speak. It is not too late to see movies about 9-11, especially when the flicks focus on the heroism of the people on the plane, not the politics of the government in Washington D.C.

In the movie "The Lost Boys," Kiefer Sutherland's character David says to Jason Patric's character Michael, "There only noodles Michael."

I say to the Catholic Church and the people against the 9-11 movies, "There only movies, my friends."


Blogger Georgia Writer said...

You rock! Just stumbled upon your blog and I will definitely be back!

Tue Apr 18, 03:56:00 PM 2006  

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