15 April 2006

Blog Number Five: Australian Cheerleaders and Opus Dei v. Dan Brown

It's been 10 days since the last blog, but hey, what the hell are you gonna do? Time flies when you're on the run. Website deadlines, criticisms on past blogs, and the Easter holiday have all played a factor in the delay of this current blog. However, a website soon will be launched with no restrictions, no borders, and no fucking rules. As always, any questions, concerns, complaints, or suggestions can be sent to razorsedgeblog@gmail.com.

Now on the topics at hand:

According to an AP article found on msnbc.com, cheerleaders for Gymnastics Australia has been ordered to cover up their bare midriffs due to concerns this sexy display will encourage eating disorders as a normalcy for teen girls in the land Down Under. "They are also keen for cheerleaders to be seen as athletes in sportswear, rather than bimbos in bikinis," according to an article on the Sunday Telegraph (Sydney, AU) website.

The manager of the Brisbane Broncos (a rugby team in Australia) dance team says in the article He said: "The midriff is not an area to be concerned about exposing. We like sexy costumes, because no one wants to go to a game and see people in tracksuits and baggy clothes it's not appealing to an audience."

The bottom line is this: No matter if you watch sport in the States, Europe, New Zealand and Australia, Asia, or wherever you view good competition, we, as men, want to see the cheerleaders wearing close to no clothing at all. Even if our team is losing by a million points, we STILL want to see those chicks shaking their asses in skimpy uniforms. What's next? Burlap sacks and prayer before a game? I am so fucking sick of these overweight, short-haired, hyphenated-named chicks who dictates what is sexy and what is offensive.

Fuck you and you your political correctness. Buy some batteries for that underused vibrator and have a go bitches.


The Opus Dei, a converative offshoot of the Catholic religion, has, for all intents and purposes, demanded a disclaimer be put at the beginning of the upcoming "The DaVinci Code" movie that furthers the point the movie is just that...a work of fiction and the religious order is not a murderousbloodthirstyy organization like it's depicted in the book and the film.

Ever since the release of the book, as well as the pre-production, filming, and post-production of the film, every single religious group has called for the head of Dan Brown, Ron Howard, and everyone else associated with the projects.

I am sickened by the intolerance of the Catholic Church and all parties that are connected to the Church, including the Opus Dei, with regards to the controversy surrounding "The DaVinci Code." This, my friends, is a work of fiction. It seems to me, at least, the religious community is taking this way too far, almost like a work of fact. In the Bible it says God Himself is the one, only, true judge. He should be the only one to condemn the acts of Man on Earth. Have we, as Christians, forgotten this key principle of our Christian faith?

The Catholicism I grew up with and followed to a T when I was younger is no more. It has become a shell game, a house of cards, a dog-and-pony show. You have many priests committing unspeakable crimes against the laws of man, nature and God with innocent, prepubescent boys and girls. When the heat is on and the cops are ready to close in, the men are smuggled into the night an illegal immigrant jumping the border from Mexico to come to the United States and relocated to anotherdiocesee where the priests' past record of abuse and sexual improprieties are never known by the unsuspecting parishioners.

I renounce my Catholicism and pray the end of the pedophile factory be closed...soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN brotha!! The attention that the church is giving to a movie/book is really silly. However, one of the reasonings I've heard is that there are those who are so uninformed that they think the DaVinci Code is a reference book, not a friggin' novel.

Rather than make a mountain out of a molehill, the church should just simply point out this fact and then welcome the opportunity to share the real word of God with those who have questions. I know some churches are doing this, but not enough.

Side note: I heard that the author stated the book was fact in an interview. I'm skeptical, especially knowing the source, so if you know anything about such an interview, etc., please let me know. I cannot believe someone would be so irresponsible to say something so obivously misleading. (especically after what Oprah does to those that lie! HA HA!)

Okay--as far as the cheerleader thing goes, if people would freakin' treat cheerleaders as athletes, then these issues wouldn't exist. Have you seen what Vollyball players wear? Skimpy briefs. Seriously--cheer uniforms are just that--UNIFORMS. Cheerleaders are athletes and they require certain mobility. If you can't deal with it, then watch another sport.

Plus--any real cheerleader knows that you cannot be unhealthy and be good at the sport. It is too physically demanding to promote eating disorders, etc. If anything, it should be a motivator to get in shape via exercise and healthy diet!!!


~ The Mistress of Rock

Tue Apr 18, 02:20:00 PM 2006  

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