Blog Number Twenty-One: 11 September 2001
This blog will be a different kind of the normal blog we here at the Edge usually slap together, as today is a different kind of day.
Today is 11 September 2006, and five years ago two planes crashed into the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, one plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, and a forth plane crashed into the Pentagon killing nearly 3,000 innocent people.
Five years ago, the crew and I were back on the beautiful Palouse in Eastern Washington. I was overcoming a wicked hangover and skipping a few classes. My roommate at the time came into my room, emotional and a bit incoherant. All he said was, "Those fucking bastards attacked us; we're being attacked."
I didn't know what to think, but selfishly, I was pissed I was awoken from a sexy dream I was having about Jenna Jameson, Cindy Crawford, and yours truely. I got dressed, went into the front room and watched the TV as the second plane hit.
I remember seeing the plane hit and I felt numb, listless, and wanting to run. I didn't know where I wanted to run to, or where it was safe to run. I just knew I had to leave because, I figured, big bombs were sure to follow.
My roommate was crying, I then started to cry. Another one of my roommates came into the front room and he dropped his bookbag, sat on the floor, and he started to cry.
The events of Sept. 11 touched each individual in a different way.
We here at the Edge will never forget those who died on the planes, in the buildings, or have never been found.
We here at the Edge ask you never forget as well.
Today is 11 September 2006, and five years ago two planes crashed into the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, one plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, and a forth plane crashed into the Pentagon killing nearly 3,000 innocent people.
Five years ago, the crew and I were back on the beautiful Palouse in Eastern Washington. I was overcoming a wicked hangover and skipping a few classes. My roommate at the time came into my room, emotional and a bit incoherant. All he said was, "Those fucking bastards attacked us; we're being attacked."
I didn't know what to think, but selfishly, I was pissed I was awoken from a sexy dream I was having about Jenna Jameson, Cindy Crawford, and yours truely. I got dressed, went into the front room and watched the TV as the second plane hit.
I remember seeing the plane hit and I felt numb, listless, and wanting to run. I didn't know where I wanted to run to, or where it was safe to run. I just knew I had to leave because, I figured, big bombs were sure to follow.
My roommate was crying, I then started to cry. Another one of my roommates came into the front room and he dropped his bookbag, sat on the floor, and he started to cry.
The events of Sept. 11 touched each individual in a different way.
We here at the Edge will never forget those who died on the planes, in the buildings, or have never been found.
We here at the Edge ask you never forget as well.